Revising the Unconscious Blocks to Love and Relationship
Wired for Love and Connection
Discover the hidden, generational blocks to love and relationship that are limiting your life and love. Using Family Constellation work in large and small groups, participants discover the underlying patterns that are in the way of love and relationship.
Coming to California June 1st-2nd, 2024
Coming to Australia July 31st-August 1st, 2024
The things that cause blocks in our love and relationships are so invisible to us. They seem mysterious and outside of our control, but that’s because so many of our patterns and beliefs around relationship are not conscious or visible. One of the best ways to work with invisible and hidden patterns is Constellation work.This workshop is 2 full days of Constellation work, consisting of a few individual constellations and many group exercises (including small break out groups) focused solely on relationships and relating. It is for people wanting to be in a relationship, as well as for people already in relationship who want to have a different and/or deeper experience.
We get so much ongoing positive feedback about this class! Two guys from a previous workshop both found new relationships right after the workshop that they are so happy about. Many couples have done Clear Path and told us it was deeply healing for their relationship. Another participant said it was the most change she had ever experienced in a workshop. Yet another told us that right after the workshop she met the most amazing man. She said she had never been so happy.
Here is what you can expect to gain from the 2-day workshop:
- Experience directly the way unconscious family loyalties limit love and relationship for you
- Discover what your unconscious energy is towards relationship and love
- Learn about give and take in relationship
- Participate in shifting your patterns around love and relationship
- Learn how your parents’ relationship has been affecting your experience of love
- Begin to release generational patterns of limitation
- Discover the strengths of your own gender and how they can support you in love
- Experience being supported by generations of your family, rather than limited by them
Everyone will participate in constellation work of one kind or another and discover some of their family patterns affecting relationships and love. There will be opportunities for everyone to explore and shift unconscious family patterns.
In order to preserve the quality of the experience, this workshop has limited space, so registering early is highly recommended, because it typically sells out.
In order to preserve the quality of the experience, this workshop has limited space, so registering early is highly recommended, because it typically sells out.